Bheemeshwari trek: wildlife at river Kaveri, rafting & permission
Bheemeshwari along Cauvery, is perfect weekend gateway for fishing, rafting and riverside trek.100 Kms from Bangalore; It’s a photographer paradise More details about Bheemeshwari and Muthati at the end of the post…..
The Swing of uncertainty (Prior to organizing trek):
There are three phases of attraction to any thing in this world except for true cases (Ok, this is what I think, I don’t impose it on you and,) the same applies to willingness of people to join for next trek after they glance through the pics of each past trek that I upload. A girlfriend would be the perfect example for the guys and “pain” of being someone’s girlfriend could also prove as a perfect example for girls. Keep on reading how……
Phase 1 (Growth):
So when I return from trek, looking at the photographs, almost everyone would ask if I could take them for trek next with me. In girlfriend context, you would find each other girl attractive until you find someone who can keep a lock over your greedy eyes.
Phase 2 (Stagnancy):
“Ok, this trek looks fine but….” As though you have started noticing the changes in your girlfriend and this is how they start “refusing with reasons”.
Phase 3 (Withering away):
“Sorry, I can’t join you. I have got a lot to do” So, all the numbers that you counted over your fingertips are slacking off in front of your eyes. But if your love and passion is true, nothing slacks off and nothing wither away. When I step out for her everytime:
Every time, when I would step out of my closet and go out for purchasing trekking stuffs, I would feel a gallon of ethereal blood pumped into my veins. Enya will peach some western classicals into my ears. I would step on air and inconceivable thoughts would keep haunting my mind. May be, I do daydreaming for trekking. With each more item purchased, I feel closer to nature.

What is adventure?
Anything planned is called a plan and anything not planned is called an adventure.
What we planned and what we got into?
So, our plan was of taking riverside walk along Cauvery but we were welcomed by the forest department that “that was illegal”. Nice and cool. Any alternatives? Yeah, you can hire a guard and after paying to Muthathi forest department for venturing inside the forest.
10 AM: Plain walk along river

Cauvery looks vast. As serene as a monk gone to God. It was ironical to see gallons of mighty Cauvery water, somewhere between first and middle phase of its life, flowing through valley and looking calm. As peaceful as song of an angel. Although murky yellow water would induce unknown fear nonetheless tranquility wins over extremity. “Anna! ask everyone to maintain silence and do not try to run away if they see elephant!” – Warns the guard with the gun. We maintained our silence for almost half an hour in hope that we would see elephants drinking water or bathing inside river but call it to our luck, we were unlucky. Probably, we had ventured inside the forest at wrong timings or shall I say, elephant follow a fixed routine and we were either running ahead of their routine or we were lagging behind.
However we were little lucky as well, to see long tailed ape, alligators lying on rocks inside river, Kingfishers, horn-bills, Indian Bison and a few more variety of birds. Our walk along the river was getting monotonous. Sight of alligators and chirping of birds were trying to create a ripple in the stagnant water walk of our life but the insatiable human mind was demanding “something more”.

11.30 : The steep walk
And the demand of something more pushed us onto deciding climbing to ridge of the grassland hill along. Gradient: 40-50 degree Terrain: grassland, slippery and loose rocks At the beginning, everyone was on his own. Yeah, it becomes a bit difficult for the amateurs to maintain balance and climb up because they are not seasoned and moreover the loose soil was little decisive too. Demand of water, short breaks and lending helping hands saw a surge. The halo of climbing up the hill ate up the complaints of not encountering with wildlife. Safari on foot turned up into climb on the hill.
And yeah, when you sweat and when you look ahead measuring the distance you are still to climb; you get more focused towards being in your own and remaining inside the safe zone and which is what makes you forget all the worries of the mundane world. – And people call it by a name “A perfect weekend gateway” TRUE. Eventually we reached at the top. The surrounding views was just mind blowing. we could now see the long stretch of river for Kilometers and even hills beyond that. A silvern serpentine crisscrossing through green world. Hills were diminished. Winds leaning over tall grasses; Rocks heading out of running water as though seals looking out of sea water; Stones sitting firmly for years amid the grassland; We sat at the ridge for almost half an hour lost in nature.
Descend from the ridge: Descending is always tougher than ascending because there are more chances of ankle twisting, loosing control and rolling down. And if you are acrophobic, fear of altitude would keep on haunting until you reach the safer zone down below at the plain. But we made it. and we conquered. There was a relief at everyone’s face when we touched the ground. A relief of coming out of labyrinth of fearsome and decisive steeps. In the end, we had slow and tiresome walk till Muthathi – fatigued, tired and almost with a belief that we are not going to encounter any wild animals at any cost. Curse it to imperfect configuration of the day. Even, the guard tucked bullet out of the gun finally. War was over. Every one had fought out to his best and was returning like a warrior with loads of nice memories from sunrise in Bangalore till afternoon in reserve forests with a secret vow to oneself that next time, we would conquer something bigger in intensity.

What to do?
– Can do Fishing at Galibore Fishing camp (Which none of us was interested)– Rafting at Bheemeshwari (Organized by private cottages at high costs)
– Coracle ride – RIverside trek / up the hills trek (Choose one of the treks while booking a guard at the Muthathi forest department
Name of the Guard assigned to us: Govind Swamy (08453087326) (Thought might be useful to you)
– Coracle ride – RIverside trek / up the hills trek (Choose one of the treks while booking a guard at the Muthathi forest department
Name of the Guard assigned to us: Govind Swamy (08453087326) (Thought might be useful to you)
What is legal/illegal? –
Liquor is illegal and is checked at the forest entry point (But we found a lot of people enjoying riverside with glasses on) – And, walking along the river
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